Baker Building Room 135 HVAC
Cobb Building #4 Shielded Room and Anechoic Chamber
Cobb County Research Facilities HVAC Study
Cobb County Building 3 AHU Replacement
Building One SCIF Area - Air Distribution Modifications
Building 1 Waterside Economizer Addition
Baker Building Lab HVAC Modifications
Admin Building CT Replacement
ITTL Renovation - 250 Fourteenth Street
Applied Biomedical Laboratory
Building 1 SCIF
Baker Building HESL
250 14th Street room 126
4th Floor CRB Electrical Modifications
CRB Electrical Modifications to Suite 642
ELSYS Branch Office Renovation
Baker Suite 323 Renovation
CRB 4th Floor UPS Addition
Warner Robins Field Office
CRB 2nd Floor Renovation
Modifications to Building 4 Anechoic Parent Rooms
Bldg 5
Baker Building 2nd Floor Renovation
250 Fourteenth Street Room 426 Renovation
CRB Suite 326 Renovation
CRB Suite 546 Renovation
430 10th St South ISD Offices
CRB Ground Floor Data Center
250 Fourteenth Street Server Room 129
250 Fourteenth Street M31 Data Center
CRB Server Room 626
MDF Rooms for CRB and 250 Fourteenth Street
Baker Buildings Rooms 257 and 260
260 14th Street 4th Floor
Renovations GPB
CCRF5 2nd Floor Server Rooms
CCRF% Holodeck
CRB Suites 203 and 223
Baker Building Lobby Renovation
Building 3 400 HZ Generators
Baker 140 Modifications
CRB Rooms 513 and 525 Renovations
Baker 138 Pegasus Renovation
250 14th Street Mezzanine Collaborative Space
250 14th Street Canopy Design
Baker 205 and 213 Renovations
CRB Room 671 Renovations
Baker Room 342 Closed Room
CRB Room 326 Renovation
Baker Room 211 Renovation
CRB Closed Room 375
CRB 480V Switchgear Expansion
CRB Legal Room Renovations
Bker Room 323 LED Lighting
Baker Room 137 Power Receptacles
CRB High Bay Orbit
Baker Room 352 Renovations
430 10th Street South Generators
Baker Room 140 HVAC Design
Baker Building Stairwell LED Lighting
250 14th Street Meeting Rooms
430 1oth Street South Humidity and Infiltration Study
CRB 3rd Floor Renovations
Baker Liquid Nitrogen Tank Project
Baker Building Toxic Gas Monitoring System
430 10th Street South Humidity and Infiltration Remediation
Baker EOSL Laser Safety
CRB Fan Powered VAV Terminals
CRB Hot Water Piping Modifications
CRB Controlled Space Renovation
CRB Room 119 Renovations
CRB MDF 104B Recptacles
CRB Server Room 671 Surface Mounted Devices
CRB Front Desk Renovation
250 14th Street 2nd Floor Breakroom
250 14th Street SCOVE Room 126 CRU Addition
250 14th Street 2nd Floor Lab Renovation
260 14th Street GPB 1st Floor Renovation
CRB Room 239 and 241 Renovation
250 14th Street ISD Server Room
CRB 486 Conversion to Expansion Lab
430 North Rooms 007 & 008 Renovation
CRB Suite 610 Cost Estimations
250 14th Street Mezzanine Ronvation
Card Access
GPB 4th Floor HSID Renovation
430 S 10th Street LED
Baker Room `135 Utility Safety Improvements
HQ Building M-14 Closed area MEP
Baker 135 IAD CHW Hx Addition
CCRF 5-229 Renovations
CRB Generators
CCRF Building 3 Shaker Table
Baker Room 119A GF9 Electric Furnace
430 10th Street LED
GLC Classroom 323 &324 Renovation
TEP Exhaust Fans
Field Office Secured Lab Warner Robbins
Baker Room 201 Fume Hood
CCRF Building 4 Rooms 156 and 158 Security
Baker Building Exhaust Study
HQ Building Ground Floor ICL Lab
Robotics Lab dor ATAS
EOSL Baker Building 027
250 14th Street 3rd Floor Renovation
CRF Roof Penthouse Renovation
26014th Street Rooms 402-404
CRB Room 116B Connect DC Power Supply
HQ Building 5th Floor Secure Door Renovation
Server Room 357 E
CRB 357 Server room
Baker Room 118,119, 019A Renovations
CCRF B4 Antenna Phase 1
Machine Shop Laser Cutter Renovations
Room 239 Cryo Equipment Renovation
Baker 348 Renovation
Baker Power for Trailer
CCRF Building 5 Antenna Phase 1 and 2
Closed Room Foothills Center
2016- Present
CRB 679 Closed Room Renovation
CCRF Exterior Power
Baker 2nd Floor Classified Space
028 Renovation
CCRF Building 1 Renovation
CCRF Closed Room
CRB Air Distributions Study
HQ Building Trunstiles
Baker Electrical 1 Line Services
Baker Air Distribution Study